CyberSaturday CTF leermiddel voor jong en oud

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19 March From 14:00

Capture the Flags (CTFs) are the crossword puzzles of ICT professionals. But how do they work, what is the purpose and how can they be used as a learning tool?

In this presentation Julian Roseboom takes you through the different types of CTFs and how they can be used in schools such as Media Awareness or in companies as a test for new products.

You will also receive tips on how to start CTFs yourself and Julian walks you through a CTF to show you how to reach certain conclusions (or not).

Good site to practice is overthewire.

About Julian Roseboom

Participant of TkkrLab and very interested in CTF and often participated myself.

When : Saturday 19 March 2022 14:00

Where : TkkrLab, Marssteden 98, Enschede

Cost: free, bring your own laptop.

Language: English

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