CyberSaturday Dutch Cyborg

18 September from 14:00

Dutch Cyborg : Patrick Paumen

Dutch Cyborg Patrick Paumen has a total of 27 30 implants in his body. With these implants, he has superpowers and can magically open doors, detect magnetic and electromagnetic fields and make contactless payments.

As an experience expert, he explains which different implants are available and how you can use them in daily life. He explains the use of different RFID / NFC chips and how you can even open a door with them (cloning of a chip). Topics such as can you do an MRI scan with implants or come through a check-up at the airport are also discussed.

NFC implant Cyborg TkkrLab

Become a Cyborg

If you are inspired by the possibilities, you can immediately ‘upgrade’ yourself on the spot and have a chip implanted! Via us you can order a chip through us and have it implanted at TkkrLab after reading.

Unfortunately we cannot give a general advice on which chip is the most suitable, this depends very much on the desired application. Check the [Dangerous Things] site ( for details and applications about the various chips available.

For the Cyborgs from TkkrLab, our future door system will work with DESFire, to have a chip to open the door you need the “xDF2 DESFire EV2 8kB NFC”.

Ultimately, you are responsible for selecting the suitable chip and how to program it if necessary. This can usually be done with a phone, but for some chips you need specific hardware/software. Do enough preliminary research so that you know what to expect. We will help you where possible, but cannot give any guarantees in this regard.


xEM RFID Chip - €100.00
  • 2x12mm bioglass encased 125kHz Atmel T5577 RFID chip
  • Can emulate common EM41xx, EM4200, HID, Indala (and more!) chips Proxmark3 can clone common 125kHz badges, fobs, cards, etc. to the xEM!
  • xEM chip is preprogrammed in EM41xx mode with a 40 bit unique ID
  • incl. shipping costs and implanting chip
xNT RFID Chip - €131.00
  • NTAG216 13.56MHz ISO14443A & NFC Type 2 chip
  • 2x12mm cylindrical sterile bioglass implant
  • Works with NFC smartphones and ISO4443A readers
  • RFID Diagnostic Card and 13.56MHz X Field Detector included!
  • incl. shipping costs and implanting chip
NExT - €162.00 (combined xNT and xEM)
  • NTAG216 13.56MHz ISO14443A NFC chip
  • T5577 125kHz RFID chip (preprogrammed EM41xx 40 bit ID)
  • 2x14mm cylindrical sterile bioglass implant
  • Accessories! Field detectors and RFID Diag card included!
  • incl. shipping costs and implanting chip
xDF2 DESFire EV2 8kB NFC - €239.00
  • 13.56MHz ISO14443A & NFC Type 4 chip
  • Huge 8kB multi-application memory space
  • 3x13mm cylindrical sterile bioglass implant
  • RFID Diagnostic Card and xLED-HF included!
  • incl. shipping costs and implanting chip

Dangerous Things also have rings and bracelets with NFC chips. If you want to experiment with this technique but an implant is going too far, this is an ideal way to get started. See Dangerous Things site. If you want to buy a wearable, please contact us.

Register here for the lecture or to have a chip implanted. If you still have questions, please contact [Dave Borghuis] ( The prices mentioned here include shipping costs to TkkrLab and implantation by the pierching studio. Transfer the amount to account NL40BUNQ2062969252 before September 6th.

When: Saturday, September 18, 2021 14:00 - 15:00 (implant chips after reading and experiment with your upgrade yourself).

Where : TkkrLab, Marssteden 98, Enschede

Costs : Free reading, see above prices for implanting a chip.

Corona rules : We check on coronatoegangsbewijs. Keep distance and with symptoms stay at home.

Disclaimer : TkkrLab Foundation, Dangerous Things and Piercing Studio Utrecht are excluded from any responsibility for the implantation of a chip.

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