DID 23 April : lecture Anouk Wipprecht

Lecture ‘Hands-on FashionTech’ by Anouk Wipprecht
In this lecture Dutch FashionTech Designer Anouk Wipprecht will share her inspiration and process to create and craft FashionTech from idea to product. How to use modern technology within her field using 3D printing, lasercutting, robotics, and electronics.
FashionTech is an emerging field of a combination of fashion design combined with engineering, science and interaction/user experience design. A prime example for FashionTech is her “Spider dress”, a dress that defines your personal space by using proximity sensors and ‘spider’ legs and robotics to keep people respecting personal space.
Thanks to the increasingly cheaper equipment such as 3D printers, laser cutter and microcontrollers, these hightech production techniques are becoming available for everyone.
After the lecture we will give the opportunity to make your small personalized product with our 3d printer or laser cutter at TkkrLab!… Come join us.
Anouk about hackerspaces
Anouk works from her own studio, but also from hackerspaces, makerspaces, techshops and labs all over the world when she is traveling around on jobs. She thinks ‘creative’ and ’tech’ spaces are important to keep up an innovation culture and collaborations between different disciplines, but also just really fun for people to get in closer contact with electronics or the use of certain tools that they might otherwise never picked up.
When : Saturday 23 April
- Lecture Anouk Wipprecht : 14:00 - 15:00
- DID on location / TkkrLab open : 11:00-17:00
Where : TkkrLab, Marssteden 98, Enschede
Cost : get your free ticket here
Language : English